As we explained to friends that we were heading to Barra for five weeks and would be sailing from Oban to Castlebay in late October, this was met by reserved enthusiasm as they shared with us their concerns about the prospect of a six hour saill in a relatively small ship on rough seas.
Their concerns had not escaped us, as we also knew there was a high chance of inclement conditions sailing out beyond the sound of Mull passing Ardnamurchan and out into the open sea towards Barra.
Sunday dawned and to our great surprise we were blessed with the most glorious of days for sailing. Bright ,windless and fairly warm. We had ‘won a watch’. To wake up to a clear blue cloudless sky in late October was more than we could have asked for but we were so excited to be looking forward to such a beautiful sail which it did indeed turn out to be. We boarded the’ Isle of Arran’ to commence our five week journey and settled in to the six hour trip.
The views from the open deck of the ship, on Sunday the 28 October, were just wonderful and scanning the islands , mountains and sweeping landscapes occupied us all the way through the Sound of Mull and only ended when light faded as we passed Ardnamurchan Point and headed out into the open sea. Our last view was of the island of Bac Mor which is the shape of cap and is referred to by that name ‘The Dutchman’s Cap’.
It was very dark as we disembarked from our ferry but our friends Eileen and Jackson were waiting to give us a welcoming Barra hug . On our way once more and we had a very funny journey . Archie found it very difficult to drive as the road was very narrow and with no road markings and no street lights, “ where does the road go? “ was the cry . We knew it was 8 miles, so after nearly driving into the sea before taking a sharp turn to the right we found ourselves driving up a shingle path. Crannoch stood welcoming in the dark light. To say we were relieved to arrive is an understatement. After emptying the car, we sat down to a nice supper and a glass of wine . We had arrived!
The quietness and the darkness of the night ensured we got a great night’s sleep and woke refreshed and excited . On drawing the white curtain from the sitting room, on my way to make a morning cuppa, all Archie could hear was me squealing with delight . The view from the window was breathtakingingly beautiful and as the dawn was just breaking the colours from the window across the water many shades of pink and blue .
I shouted excitedly to Archie to come and look. We stood for ages as it was so gorgeous and just to cap it all, the view from the kitchen window had the most stunning rainbow which in days to come we would recognise as a regular feature of Barra skies.
What a start to our adventures I was already in love with our new temperary home .#barrartventure